Why you should set your permalinks to ‘Post name’


WordPress permalinks are the permanent URLs for your posts, pages, and other content on your website. They are the foundations of SEO, helping search engines to understand the structure of your website and index your content. Post name is the most SEO-friendly setting for your WordPress permalinks and is the recommended option for most websites. Here are some reasons why you should use the post name setting for your WordPress permalinks.

  1. It’s SEO-Friendly: Post name permalinks make it easier for search engines to understand the structure of your website, making it easier to index your content. This helps your content to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).
  2. It’s Easy to Remember: Post name permalinks are easy to remember since they are based on the title of the post. This helps your visitors to easily find the content they are looking for.
  3. It’s Good for Sharing: Post name permalinks are more user-friendly and easier to share. For example, if you share a link with a post name permalink, it will be easier for your readers to understand what the link is about.
  4. It’s Good for Branding: Post name permalinks are a great way to reinforce your website’s branding. For example, if your website’s name is “Example.com”, having a post name permalink like “example.com/my-post” will help to create a stronger brand presence.

In conclusion, post name is the most SEO-friendly setting for your WordPress permalinks. It’s easy to remember and share, and it’s good for branding. Therefore, if you don’t have a specific reason to use a different permalink structure, it’s best to stick with the post name setting.