a bald man on a spaceship with as non plussed robotAn unordered hierarchical group of freaksAn ordered hierarchical group of peopleA heirararchal group of peopleInclusivity and diveristy in people53 year old englishman with a goatee beard and short mohicana smiling banana holding a toothbrush surrounded by mayhemterrifyingterrifyingterrifyingpaint a portrait picture of a 53 year old man with a goatee beard and a short mohicanA parent with modified twinsA parent with modified twinsA parent with twins of twinsa happy person using a computer with a will to make moneyA frustrated bald man with a comb over in a photo booth smoking a cigara woman holding a pair of balls in disgustA freaked out person covered in spunkA parent with multiple children and no regrets