Using OpenAI to write simple plugins
Following on from our first experiment in using OpenAI to write a date and time plugin we thoght we’d have a look at some simple plugins we could ask it to write for us.
This website has 83 published posts
The above example demonstrates how easy it is to add a shortcode to a heading displaying the current number of published posts on this website.
We simply asked OpenAI to: “Write a wordpress plugin and shortcode to display the total number of published posts on a website“
This is the code it generated. Feel free to add use it by adding it to your child theme functions.php file and using the shortcode below:
/* * Plugin Name: WP Total Posts * Description: Display total number of posts published on a website * Version: 1.0 * Author: */ // Create a shortcode to display the total number of published posts function wp_total_posts_shortcode() { $total_posts = wp_count_posts(); $published_posts = $total_posts->publish; return $published_posts; } add_shortcode( 'wp_total_posts', 'wp_total_posts_shortcode' );
This is the shortcode:
It has been added in the heading like this:
This website has [wp_total_posts] published posts
Display a random post with heading, link to the post, image and date published
We asked OpenAI to “Write a plugin to display a random post with title, date published and a thumbnail image, with a link to the post”
This is the result. It’s basic but it works. If you refresh the page you will get a random post. We’ll have a look at refining this in a later post.
How do I work with media in WordPress?
February 7, 2023
This is the code that was generated. Simply add it to your child theme functions.php file and using the shortcode below:
/* Plugin Name: Random Post Display Description: Display a random post with title, date published and a thumbnail image, with a link to the post. Version: 1.0 * Author: */ // Function for the shortcode function random_post_display_shortcode() { // Arguments for the query $args = array( 'post_type' => 'post', 'posts_per_page' => 1, 'orderby' => 'rand', ); // The Query $random_post_query = new WP_Query( $args ); // Check if the query has posts if ( $random_post_query->have_posts() ) { // Start the markup $output = '<div class="random-post">'; // Loop through the posts while ( $random_post_query->have_posts() ) : $random_post_query->the_post(); // Get the post thumbnail $post_thumbnail = get_the_post_thumbnail( get_the_ID(), 'thumbnail' ); // Add the title to the markup $output .= '<h3><a href="' . get_the_permalink() . '">' . get_the_title() . '</a></h3>'; // Add the thumbnail to the markup $output .= '<p>' . $post_thumbnail . '</p>'; // Add the date to the markup $output .= '<p>' . get_the_date() . '</p>'; endwhile; // Reset post data wp_reset_postdata(); // Close the markup $output .= '</div>'; // Return the markup return $output; } } // Hook the shortcode function to the init action add_action( 'init', 'random_post_display_shortcode' ); // Register the shortcode add_shortcode( 'random_post', 'random_post_display_shortcode' );
This is the shortcode used to genrate the random post.
List all categories with a post count in a table
Taking things a little further we asked OpenAI to “Write a wordpress plugin to link to and display a list of all the categories on this website with a count of all the posts in each category in a table with headers”
This is the result:
This is the code that was generated. Simply add it to your child theme functions.php file and using the shortcode below:
/* Plugin Name: Display All Categories Description: Display all categories with a post count Version: 1.0 Author: */ // Create the shortcode function display_all_categories_shortcode() { // Get all categories $categories = get_categories(); // Create the table $output = '<table>'; $output .= '<thead>'; $output .= '<tr>'; $output .= '<th>Category</th>'; $output .= '<th>Post Count</th>'; $output .= '</tr>'; $output .= '</thead>'; $output .= '<tbody>'; // Loop through all categories foreach ( $categories as $category ) { // Get the post count $post_count = $category->category_count; // Output the row $output .= '<tr>'; $output .= '<td><a href="' . get_category_link( $category->term_id ) . '">' . $category->name . '</a></td>'; $output .= '<td>' . $post_count . '</td>'; $output .= '</tr>'; } $output .= '</tbody>'; $output .= '</table>'; return $output; } add_shortcode( 'display_all_categories', 'display_all_categories_shortcode' );
This is the shortcode you need to display it on your post or page: