What is a WordPress multisite?

A central control room monitoring many screens with cool images
A central control room monitoring many screens with cool images

Manage multiple WordPress sites from one dashboard

WordPress Multisite is a feature of WordPress that allows multiple WordPress sites to be created and managed from one WordPress installation. In short, it’s a way to manage multiple WordPress sites from one dashboard.

WordPress Multisite is ideal for organisations or businesses that want to share resources and content across multiple sites. This feature is also great for creating multiple sites within a single domain, or for creating a network of sites that all share the same theme, plugins, and content.

One of the main benefits of using WordPress Multisite is that it allows for easy management of multiple sites. Instead of having to manage each site separately, all changes, updates, and maintenance can be done from one central location. This makes it easier to keep all sites up-to-date with the latest versions of WordPress, plugins, and themes, and to keep all sites secure.

WordPress Multisite also allows users to create separate user accounts for each site in the network, allowing them to manage all of their sites from one account. This makes it easier for users to manage multiple sites without having to log in and out of each one.

WordPress Multisite also makes it easier for users to share resources between sites. For example, users can share themes, plugins, and other content across multiple sites, making it easier to manage multiple sites without having to create separate content for each one.

Overall, WordPress Multisite is an incredibly useful feature, allowing users to manage multiple sites from one location. It’s also great for organisations or businesses that want to share resources and content across multiple sites, or for creating a network of sites that all share the same theme, plugins, and content.