Why it’s often best to use system fonts

system fonts
system fonts

Using system fonts on a WordPress website or blog offers several advantages. For starters, they are easily accessible by all visitors, regardless of which operating system they are running. This means that visitors to your website or blog will have an easier time reading the content since the font will be familiar to them. Additionally, system fonts are typically optimized for web use, so they will render quickly and look great on any device or browser.

Another benefit of using system fonts on WordPress is that they are typically free. Since they are already installed on the user’s machine, you don’t have to pay any extra money to use them. This helps to keep overall costs down, which is especially important for smaller businesses and bloggers.

Finally, system fonts are often more aesthetically pleasing than other web fonts. While every website should strive to be visually appealing, using system fonts can help to make a website look more professional and polished. This can be especially important when creating a blog or website for a business.

Using system fonts on WordPress is a great way to make your website or blog look more professional and polished. Not only are they easily accessible, but they are typically free and optimized for web use. Additionally, they often look more aesthetically pleasing than other web fonts. For these reasons, it is best to use system fonts when creating a WordPress website or blog.