What’s the difference between UX and UI?

User interface
User interface

The terms User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) are often used interchangeably, but they are actually two distinct and important aspects of any digital product. Understanding the difference between UX and UI is essential in order to create a successful and enjoyable user experience.

User Experience (UX) is the process of creating a product that is easy to use and provides an enjoyable experience for the user. It encompasses the whole user journey, from the initial research and discovery of a product, all the way through to its use and eventual abandonment. UX involves understanding user needs, behaviour and motivations, as well as designing a product that meets those needs in an effective and efficient way. UX design is focused on creating a product that is intuitive, efficient and enjoyable to use.

User Interface (UI) is the way a user interacts with a product. It includes the design, layout and interactions of the product’s features, as well as the visual elements such as colours, fonts and images. UI design is focused on creating a product that looks attractive, is easy to use and provides a pleasant user experience.

In summary, UX is focused on the user’s journey and experience while using a product, while UI is focused on the design and layout of the product. UX and UI are both important aspects of any digital product and should be considered together in order to create an effective and enjoyable user experience.