What is web accessibility?

Spectacles on a dog
Spectacles on a dog

Web accessibility is the process of making websites and web applications accessible to everyone regardless of their physical, cognitive, or technological abilities. This includes providing support for those with disabilities, such as visual, hearing, cognitive, and motor impairments, as well as those without disabilities, such as older users, users with slow internet connections, and users with limited technological knowledge.

Accessibility is about making sure that everyone can use a website or web application, regardless of their abilities. This is accomplished through a variety of methods, including providing alternative text for images, using contrasting colors for text and backgrounds, providing clear and concise navigation, making sure the text size is resizable, ensuring the website is navigable using a keyboard, and providing captions, transcripts, and audio descriptions for multimedia.

Web accessibility is an important consideration for all websites and web applications, as it ensures that everyone can have equal access to the content and features of a website. By making websites accessible to all users, organizations can ensure that their content is being shared with the widest possible audience and can help to foster an inclusive and diverse online community.