What is a well-structured web page?

Three rows describing the header, body and footer of a website
Three rows describing the header, body and footer of a website

Three key elements for good design

A well-structured web page can be broken down into three main parts: the header, body, and footer.

The header

The header should include a logo and navigation bar, making it easy for visitors to find their way around the website. The navigation bar should be placed in a prominent position on the page and should include links to the various pages on the site.

The body

The body of the page should contain the main content of the website. This is usually where visitors will go to find out more information about the website and what it offers. The content should be clearly laid out and easy to read, and should be organized into sections for easy navigation.

The footer

The footer should include a brief summary of what the website offers, and should also include links to important pages such as the contact page, privacy policy, and terms of use. This is a great place to include a copyright notice and a link to the site’s social media accounts.

By structuring the website in this way, visitors will be able to quickly and easily find what they are looking for, and will be able to easily navigate the website. A well-structured web page is an essential part of any website, and can help to ensure that visitors have a positive experience when visiting the site.