What exactly is a URL?


A URL, or Uniform Resource Locator, is a unique address used to locate a specific web page or other resource on the internet. It is also referred to as a web address.

A typical URL looks something like this: http://www.example.com/index.html

In this example, the URL is telling the browser to go to the website located at “example.com” and to go to the file named “index.html”.

The first part of the URL, http://, is the protocol that is used to access the web page. This is usually either http or https; however, other protocols such as ftp or file can also be used.

The next part of the URL is the domain name. This is the name of the website that is being accessed. In the example URL, this is “example.com”.

The final part of the URL is the file path. This is the specific location of the file on the server. In the example URL, this is “/index.html”. The file path can include multiple levels of folders, as well as file names.

In addition to the standard parts listed above, a URL can also contain a query string. This is a set of parameters that can be added to a URL to provide additional information to the server. This information is usually used to customize the content that is returned.

URLs are essential for navigating the internet and accessing the resources that it contains. They are a fundamental part of the web and using them correctly is essential for web developers to be successful.