Using AI to write plugins for WordPress

an AI robot coding plugins for wordpress
an AI robot coding plugins for wordpress

Using OpenAI to write simple plugins

Following on from our first experiment in using OpenAI to write a date and time plugin we thoght we’d have a look at some simple plugins we could ask it to write for us.

This website has 83 published posts

The above example demonstrates how easy it is to add a shortcode to a heading displaying the current number of published posts on this website.

We simply asked OpenAI to: “Write a wordpress plugin and shortcode to display the total number of published posts on a website

This is the code it generated. Feel free to add use it by adding it to your child theme functions.php file and using the shortcode below:

* Plugin Name: WP Total Posts
* Description: Display total number of posts published on a website
* Version: 1.0
* Author:
// Create a shortcode to display the total number of published posts
function wp_total_posts_shortcode() {
	$total_posts = wp_count_posts();
	$published_posts = $total_posts->publish;
	return $published_posts;
add_shortcode( 'wp_total_posts', 'wp_total_posts_shortcode' );

This is the shortcode:


It has been added in the heading like this:

This website has [wp_total_posts] published posts

Display a random post with heading, link to the post, image and date published

We asked OpenAI to “Write a plugin to display a random post with title, date published and a thumbnail image, with a link to the post”

This is the result. It’s basic but it works. If you refresh the page you will get a random post. We’ll have a look at refining this in a later post.

What is open-source software?

Happy people with big smiles using computers

February 4, 2023

This is the code that was generated. Simply add it to your child theme functions.php file and using the shortcode below:

Plugin Name: Random Post Display
Description: Display a random post with title, date published and a thumbnail image, with a link to the post.
Version: 1.0
* Author:

// Function for the shortcode
function random_post_display_shortcode() {

	// Arguments for the query
	$args = array(
		'post_type' => 'post',
		'posts_per_page' => 1,
		'orderby' => 'rand',

	// The Query
	$random_post_query = new WP_Query( $args );

	// Check if the query has posts
	if ( $random_post_query->have_posts() ) {

		// Start the markup
		$output = '<div class="random-post">';

		// Loop through the posts
		while ( $random_post_query->have_posts() ) : $random_post_query->the_post();

			// Get the post thumbnail
			$post_thumbnail = get_the_post_thumbnail( get_the_ID(), 'thumbnail' );

			// Add the title to the markup
			$output .= '<h3><a href="' . get_the_permalink() . '">' . get_the_title() . '</a></h3>';

			// Add the thumbnail to the markup
			$output .= '<p>' . $post_thumbnail . '</p>';

			// Add the date to the markup
			$output .= '<p>' . get_the_date() . '</p>';


		// Reset post data

		// Close the markup
		$output .= '</div>';

		// Return the markup
		return $output;



// Hook the shortcode function to the init action
add_action( 'init', 'random_post_display_shortcode' );

// Register the shortcode
add_shortcode( 'random_post', 'random_post_display_shortcode' );

This is the shortcode used to genrate the random post.


List all categories with a post count in a table

Taking things a little further we asked OpenAI to “Write a wordpress plugin to link to and display a list of all the categories on this website with a count of all the posts in each category in a table with headers”

This is the result:

CategoryPost Count
AI generated plugins2
Nuts and bolts43
Social media2
Useful tools1

This is the code that was generated. Simply add it to your child theme functions.php file and using the shortcode below:

Plugin Name: Display All Categories
Description: Display all categories with a post count
Version: 1.0

// Create the shortcode
function display_all_categories_shortcode() {
	// Get all categories
	$categories = get_categories();

	// Create the table
	$output = '<table>';
	$output .= '<thead>';
	$output .= '<tr>';
	$output .= '<th>Category</th>';
	$output .= '<th>Post Count</th>';
	$output .= '</tr>';
	$output .= '</thead>';
	$output .= '<tbody>';
	// Loop through all categories
	foreach ( $categories as $category ) {
		// Get the post count
		$post_count = $category->category_count;

		// Output the row
		$output .= '<tr>';
		$output .= '<td><a href="' . get_category_link( $category->term_id ) . '">' . $category->name . '</a></td>';
		$output .= '<td>' . $post_count . '</td>';
		$output .= '</tr>';
	$output .= '</tbody>';
	$output .= '</table>';

	return $output;
add_shortcode( 'display_all_categories', 'display_all_categories_shortcode' );

This is the shortcode you need to display it on your post or page:
